
Cover letter in CV

for the job you are applying for – you are applying for – clearly describe the career goal that applies to the job you are applying for.
The cover letter should also be on one A4 page. It is written in the same font and text size as the CV and it would be good to have it in the same visual style.
Don’t write it in the body of the email. Make it a separate document.
Show how motivated you are for the position you are applying for.
Show them why they choose you. What is your social proof?
Avoid general phrases (eg I am motivated by success, I am a team player, a creative person, etc.) If you already use them, support them with examples. Know that you can always see when your cover letter is generic or downloaded from the internet.
The structure of the cover letter
The first part should contain your personal data (name and surname, address, telephone and e-mail)

In the first paragraph, write which job you are applying for and where you saw the job advertisement.

The second paragraph should be dedicated to your skills, education and work experience, as well as the abilities and relevant personal characteristics that make you suitable for the position you are applying for.

In the third section, you should briefly explain why you want that particular job and that company.

Research well the company you are applying for. Ask how much the salaries are there, what the business culture is like. In this way, you can show that your characteristics and beliefs fit into the culture of that company.

Of course, if they fit. If you see that they don’t fit, don’t even sign up.

In the last section, briefly remind the potential employer that you are available for any questions and show interest in cooperation.

Romani chib
Lil tari motivacija ko CV - basho bucharno than basho kova prijavinenape - aplicirinena - vakeren soj tumaro cilj ki karijera kova phanlo tumare bucharne thaneja basho kova mangena. Motivacionako lil valjanol te ovol ko A4 rig. Ramosarolape ko jek font thaj baro te ovol sar o CV thaj te ovol ko jek vizuelno stil. - Na ramosaren ko trupo taro mejl. Neka ovol ulavdo dokumento. - Sikaven kobor sijen motivishime basho than kova prijavinenape - Sikave soske te len ture. Kova tumaro social proof - Ma keren fraze ( suksesi mage motivacija, timsko igrachi sijum, kreativno manush)Znajte da se uvek vidi kada vam je motivaciono pismo generično ili preuzeto sa interneta. - Valjanol te djanen kaj dikholape kana o lil genericno numa liljape taro internet - struktur tro motivaciono lil - Ko angluno kotor valjanol te ovol tumare podatkija (anav angloanav, adresa, telefoni thaj mejl) . - Ko angluno pasus ramosaren basho kova than prijavinenape thaj kote dikhljen oglas bashi buti. . - Dujto pasus neka ovol so djanen te keren. sikljovipa thaj kobor bersha isi tumen djandipa, sar em save osobine kerena tumen kaj sijen odova manush basho than kova prijavinenape. . - Ko trito than vakeren soske mngena odoja buti thaj odoja kompanija. - Roden shukar e firma kote prijavinenape. Dikhen kobor odothe o plate, bucharni kultura. Adjahar shaj te sikaven kaj tumen shaj oven ki odoja fir. - Ako uklopinenpe, ako na, ma prijavinen tumen. . - Ko agorutno than basho manush kova dola buti vakeren kaj sijen phravde bashi buti thaj puchipa thaj sikaven interesuipe bashi buti.
Ljimba d'Bjas
Skrisara d motivate in CV - Skrij d če vrja i d če trebuje s lukre baš la jej
Letera di kopertura in CV - Pur labatarpe ke i par kares i dumanda i par kares dumanda i ta pines in dua kamea rivos pur lababarbe ke i par kares i dumanda. I letera du akompagnamento i ta vel kerdi par ja fojo A4.Ilo kerdo in dur teso modo ar u CV e i sukar ta dikelpe kajek. Na piloo minga in dur email ker ta vel ja koa kokari. Ker diken ar rikarea but par doa labatarbe ke i par par kares dea dumanda .ker ta kojaven parke i ta sernarento. Kaj i prua socjale? Muk ta len u frasi generali (ar kamea ta ves baro,jom fjerma ta gja kun u personi,jom gosari,ecc....) se usareili ker u esempi. I ta gines ke i pure ta dikes sempar ke tar letera da presentasion generica o tel da internet. Ar ila kerdi i letera da tresentasion. U primo tokar i ta ven tar dati ar (lao e surlao,indiriso,telefono,email) par primo, pin parke labatarbe i par kares i dumanda e in dua dikjal u reklam du labatarbe. In dur sekondo tokar i ta pines u jal fjermo kares,u studjardal,ke labatarbe kardal bela, u jal fjermo kares e ar jal kerdo tu ke pinela ke jal misto par i dumanda ke i par kares. In dur terso tokar, i ta pines parke kamea doa labatarbe e ta dea Dita. Rode misto i Dita ke i par kares i dumanda. Buch kisi taparea ar lila kerdi i Dita. Kiake karea diken ke u jal fjermo kares gjala misto par dea Dita gjala misto altrimenti na iskrivarto miga.