
this is my CV (curiculum vitae)
CV is a document that describes who you are, when you were born, your contacts, what school you graduated from, work experience, languages ​​you use, your knowledge of computer science or other skills, …
Romani chib
Akava mlo CV - CV odova dokumenti ako kova ramosarol ko sijan tu, kana sijan bijando, tle kontaktija, savi sikavutni agorisardjan, bucharno djandipa, save ćhibja vakere, kobor pendjare informatika thaj aver kle djandipa
Ljimba d'Bjas
Asta a mev CV-u - Cv jij dokumentu unde am skrijat cine mesk jo, knd mav vut, kontakt telefonu, kare škule am, će štiv s lukru, kare limbe urbesk, kt štiv p kompjuter s lukru š alta će štiv.
Cava i mur curriculum (CV) - CV i ja dokumento che pinela cun jal quando vjal pruelto tar kontatti in dar che skuola laureandalto,che labatarpe jal fjermo u cipja che pringjarea da scienze informatica o vavar coa