
Additional education in CV

Additional education – courses, seminars, projects. Provide the exact name, short content if it is difficult to guess from the name itself, the period of maintenance and the name of the institution. Even courses or seminars that are not directly related to the job you are applying for are important information about you because they testify to your commitment and breadth of interest.

Romani chib
popherdo sikljovipa ko CV - Popherdo sikljovipa - seminarija, projektija. Sikaven tačno akharipa, sadrzhaj, vakti kana sine thaj anav tari ustanova. Shaj em seminarija kola naje phanle bucharne thaneja basho kola prijavinena tumen importantne podatkija tane tari tumende, soske on sikavena kobor sijen interesno bashi odoja buti.
Ljimba d'Bjas
Če škole maj are in CV - Če škole maj are in CV
Istrusjone agjuntiva in CV - Istrusjone agjuntiva: korsi,seminari,progeti. Ta des u lao misto,tikno kontenuto ta na rivarea ta kojaves u lao,u siro du labatarpe e u lao di skuola. Anka u korsi o seminarike na centrona ci kun u babatarbe ke i par ta rudes i informasjoni ke servona but tuke parke pinena tur impegno e ar jal interesato